Search Results1 to 20 of 21
Accuracy of the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire
Analyzing and comparing similarities and perceptions of current status and of years of experience regarding positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) tier 1 implementation across multiple K-6 schools
Critical analysis of classroom management issues within early childhood classrooms
Effectiveness of a summer intervention program on improving kindergarten readiness in at-risk students
The effects of physical exercise on stereotypic behaviors in autism
The efficacy of equine-assisted activities on social outcomes of individuals with autism spectrum disorder
Examining teachers' attitudes toward the inclusion of students using alternate standards in regular standards core academic classes
The impact of discontinue criteria on potential gifted students' scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - fifth edition
The Importance of Employability Skills for Students with Disabilities
Improving Parent Collaboration at IEP Meetings
Key factors contributing to the academic success of African American males with a disability
New elementary school teachers' perceptions of classroom management
A phenomenological qualitative inquiry : assistive technology use or discontinued use in the school setting
Principals' perspectives in determining the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities in rural Northwestern Pennsylvania schools
A qualitative research study on the impact of administrative support and access to culturally responsive tools among teachers serving at-risk populations
School psychologists' perspectives
Special education teacher job satisfaction
A survey approach to effects of work related stress among special education teachers
Teachers' perceptions of successfully sustained PBIS programs