Search Results1 to 20 of 20
Analyzing and comparing similarities and perceptions of current status and of years of experience regarding positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) tier 1 implementation across multiple K-6 schools
Creating a trauma informed school
An examination of the special education cyclical monitoring process through a socio-technical system's lens
Exploring student understanding and perception of crisis intervention using a trauma informed approach versus a restraint based system
Key factors contributing to the academic success of African American males with a disability
A multi-level quantitative analysis on factors affecting special education compliance
Multi-sensory room usage in medium-sized elementary schools in western PA
Music Therapists and Feelings of Clinical Inadequacy
New elementary school teachers' perceptions of classroom management
Perceptions and pragmatics of therapy dog implementation in schools
Reading instruction for students with reading disabilities
Significance of academic and social/emotional accommodations and supports
Songwriting as a medium to explore the supervisory relationship in hospice music therapy
Special education teacher and administrator perception of the teacher evaluation process in western Pennsylvania
Special education teacher job satisfaction
Teacher preparedness for educating students with emotional disturbances within the inclusive settingEMBARGOED
Teachers' perceptions of successfully sustained PBIS programs
Transition experiences of college students with disabilities between high school graduation and enrollment in postsecondary education and its correlation with student self-determination, college readiness, and registration for disability services during t
Trauma-informed careEMBARGOED
The untapped superpower of comics