Thomas Ball Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Thomas Ball Publicity Photograph
Tom DeLuca Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Tom DeLuca Publicity Photograph
Tomeo, Melba Interview AudioROCKvoices Oral History ProjectAudio recording of the interview of Melba Tomeo conducted on September 29, 2008.
Tomeo, Melba Interview TranscriptROCKvoices Oral History ProjectTranscript of the interview of Melba Tomeo conducted on September 29, 2008.
Tomeo, Melba Interview Video ClipROCKvoices Oral History ProjectVideo clip from the interview of Melba Tomeo conducted on September 29, 2008.
Tommy Belmont Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Tommy Belmont Publicity Photograph
Tommy Blaze Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Tommy Blaze Publicity Photograph
Tommy Miles Reggae Band Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Tommy Miles Reggae Band Publicity Photograph
Tonic Sol-Fa Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Tonic Sol-Fa Publicity Photograph
Transition experiences of college students with disabilities between high school graduation and enrollment in postsecondary education and its correlation with student self-determination, college readiness, and registration for disability services during the freshman year of collegeStudents with disabilities who do not receive effective transition planning during their high school years may lack self-determination skills and be ill equipped to advocate or conjure up the skills necessary to independently self-disclose for the receipt of accommod...
Show moreStudents with disabilities who do not receive effective transition planning during their high school years may lack self-determination skills and be ill equipped to advocate or conjure up the skills necessary to independently self-disclose for the receipt of accommodative support services at the post-secondary level. This study sought to identify the relationship between these variables.
Show less2022
Trauma-informed careexploring the perceptions of secondary general education teachersTrauma exposure during adolescence is common and has dramatically increased nationally. Trauma exposure is associated with emotional, mental, and behavioral problems, such as, depression, anxiety, delinquency, substance abuse, suicidality, and posttraumatic stress di...
Show moreTrauma exposure during adolescence is common and has dramatically increased nationally. Trauma exposure is associated with emotional, mental, and behavioral problems, such as, depression, anxiety, delinquency, substance abuse, suicidality, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Darnell et al., 2019). While new legislation, programs, and school leadership have sought to address these problems, no significant changes have been documented. At the forefront, teachers witness students’ mental health needs, in conjunction with declining academic performance, behavior, socialization, and emotional state. Further studies must be conducted to gain the teachers’ perspective on trauma-informed care (TIC) in order to provide critical information to educational leadership and policymakers in hopes of solving or at least reducing these problems. Such information was gathered in this phenomenological research study, where interviews were conducted with five secondary general education teachers within public school systems in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Data was collected by asking the participants open-ended questions about their perceptions of trauma-informed care and students with a trauma background. The research questions focused on teacher’s knowledge of TIC, school policies on TIC, the vital components, and critical issues of providing TIC to students, the importance of addressing trauma-based mental health needs, and ways districts can provide more support for teachers. Next, the data, via transcribed interviews, was hand coded to ensure a rich and in-depth description is obtained through analyzing data for nuance and phraseology. Using the hand coding through the iterative approach, the investigator explored the major themes and subthemes within the data by analyzing the frequency of the word or phrases used most often, comparing participant responses, while using guiding theories and research questions. Based upon the results of this study, the following respective themes emerged: secondary general education teachers’ understanding of trauma-informed care is varied; communication, differentiation, and flexibility are current supports implemented to address students’ with a trauma background; overall professional development related to trauma-informed care is lacking; and barriers to addressing and supporting students exposed trauma are lack of professional development, training, confidentiality, retraumatization, and lack of communication. Ultimately, these research findings may enhance forthcoming professional development, trainings, best practices, and established literature pertaining to trauma-informed care.
Show less2022
Tsuquiashi-Daddesio, Eva Interview AudioROCKvoices Oral History ProjectAudio recording of the interview of Eva Tsuquiashi-Daddesio conducted on November 7, 2023.
Tsuquiashi-Daddesio, Eva Interview TranscriptROCKvoices Oral History ProjectTranscript of the interview of Eva Tsuquiashi-Daddesio conducted on November 7, 2023.
Tsuquiashi-Daddesio, Eva Interview Video ClipROCKvoices Oral History ProjectVideo clip from the interview of Eva Tsuquiashi-Daddesio conducted on November 7, 2023.
Tylor Mason Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Tylor Mason Publicity Photograph
Unhoused Veterans’ Experiences of Song Sharing in Music TherapyThe purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of adult male veterans experiencing homelessness or poverty participating in group music therapy in a medium intensity residential treatment program. The intent was to gather service users’ perspectives about h...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of adult male veterans experiencing homelessness or poverty participating in group music therapy in a medium intensity residential treatment program. The intent was to gather service users’ perspectives about how music therapy, and the effectiveness of song sharing in particular, is useful to them in this context and what about it has been helpful. The study utilized thematic analysis with the intention of highlighting the voices of unhoused male veterans as limited research exists on song sharing within this group context, and particularly less that highlights the voices of the participants. Through qualitative analytic procedures, 4 overarching themes encapsulated the experiences of the participants: song sharing (1) is a positive experience, (2) integrates client choices to build community and connection, (3) supports relationship with music, and music (4) elicits a variety of responses. Each theme and 18 preliminary subthemes are outlined and discussed in detail, along with implications for music therapy practice and future research.
Show less2023
Unmasking Alienation in the Lived Experiences of SongwritersThis critical narrative inquiry explores autobiographical narratives of songwriters, calling attention to experiences of alienation. Silver’s (2018) “wheel of alienation” is the conceptual framework for alienation used in this study: a sociological model synthesizing...
Show moreThis critical narrative inquiry explores autobiographical narratives of songwriters, calling attention to experiences of alienation. Silver’s (2018) “wheel of alienation” is the conceptual framework for alienation used in this study: a sociological model synthesizing critical theory (Benjamin, 1935/2008; Brookfield, 2004; Fromm, 1941; Horkheimer & Adorno, 1944/2020), existentialism (Howie, 2014; Jaeggi, 2014; Rae, 2010) and interpretivist sociology broadly (McIntyre, 2008, 2011, 2019; Scarborough, 2017; Silver, 2018). The author provides this multi-factor scaffolding both to identify non-dominant narratives by applying multiple theoretical perspectives (Bruner, 1991; Hadley, 2013b; Morgan, 2002; White, 2007), and to put forth alienation, the “cutting off” of the ability to act on one’s own accord within a given social context, as a useful concept in understanding experiences of agency, authenticity, growth and integration–or lack thereof–in our current pluralistic world (Jaeggi, 2014; Kalekin-Fishman & Langman, 2015; Rae, 2010; Silver, 2018). The author interviewed four songwriters about experiences of alienation that emerge within their process of inspiration, drafting, collaboration, performance, recording, touring, marketing, and so on (Cobb, 2016; Long & Barber, 2017; McIntyre, 2008, 2011, 2019). Four themes emerged as salient in the narrative data: interaction with normative expectations, agentic actions, alienation experiences, and communal experiences, which were then separated into subthemes such as discovery of creative agency, split identity, alienation from family, and external/internal ego fixations. Considerations for community music therapy are discussed, as well as how institutions and individuals might foster ecological conditions for more meaningful and sustainable songwriting experiences.
Show less2023
The untapped superpower of comicsthe positive effects of a comic reading curriculum in a special education classroomThe purpose of this mixed methods action research case study was to determine if the use of a researcher-created comic reading curriculum would improve students’ knowledge of Tier Two academic vocabulary, increase oral reading fluency rates, and lead to increased lev...
Show moreThe purpose of this mixed methods action research case study was to determine if the use of a researcher-created comic reading curriculum would improve students’ knowledge of Tier Two academic vocabulary, increase oral reading fluency rates, and lead to increased levels of student engagement in a pull-out special education classroom. A multiple-choice vocabulary pretest was administered at the start of the study, followed by a nine-week intervention period in which students were instructed with a researcher designed comic curriculum. The vocabulary test was administered again at the conclusion of the study. A running record was used as the assessment to determine student reading fluency growth. The data (scores) collected from the running record examined any effects in student oral reading fluency from the first day of research to the ninth week of research. The researcher, acting as a participant observer, took daily notes in a field log with attention to behaviors of student engagement. The four student participants were selected by the researcher. The researcher taught for nine weeks, thirty minutes a day. The data from the pre and posttest was analyzed using a paired sample t-test to determine if the scores of participants showed a significant improvement. The data collected from the running records of reading rates for each student were analyzed using linear regression analysis to determine if improved reading rates were statistically significant. Observational data was entered into Dedoose qualitative data analysis software and analyzed using a Grounded Theory (Glaser et. al. 1968) approach in which new theories emerged through a deductive process. The results of the t-test showed that all students made significant improvements in knowledge of the targeted Tier Two vocabulary. Analysis of running records showed that only one student had a significant increase in their rate of oral reading fluency. All students exhibited increased behaviors of engagement as demonstrated by their abilities to complete three tasks in a session and to contribute to a positive learning environment. The results imply that practitioners could use a comic curriculum with similar components to achieve positive academic outcomes for students receiving special education support. Future research of a similar curriculum might focus on its potential uses for English Language Learners.
Show less2022
Vandergrift, Kaci Interview AudioQueens of Slippery Rock Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of the 2015 Homecoming Queen Kaci Vandergrift.
Vandergrift, Kaci Interview TranscriptQueens of Slippery Rock Oral History CollectionTranscript of the interview of the 2015 Homecoming Queen Kaci Vandergrift.