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Surkalo, Mike Interview Transcript
Surkalo, Mike Interview Transcript
Baseball in Pennsylvania Oral History Collection
Transcript of the interview of Mike Surkalo on November 14, 1994.
A survey approach to effects of work related stress among special education teachers
A survey approach to effects of work related stress among special education teachers
Hall-Wirth, Jessica
Teacher stress studies suggest that teacher stress has become progressively heightened. Researchers have acknowledged that teachers are stressed, and in turn, there has been an increase in burnout and turnover within the field. Seemingly, even with the magnitude of a...
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Teacher stress studies suggest that teacher stress has become progressively heightened. Researchers have acknowledged that teachers are stressed, and in turn, there has been an increase in burnout and turnover within the field. Seemingly, even with the magnitude of attention dedicated to preventing occupational stress, the prevalence is growing. In response, this study aimed to understand special education teachers and the stressors within their occupation. This study used a questionnaire using a Likert scale and opened ended questions to gain a better understanding of the stressors and overall well-being of special education teachers. The mixed methods approach allowed for a comprehensive look at 45 K-12 special education teachers within four school districts in Western Pennsylvania. The data was collected from April to May of 2018 and used the themes: (a) working conditions, (b) professional responsibilities, (c) student needs, and (d) student behavior to categorize the data. Data suggested that the working conditions and professional responsibilities provided the most stressors for special education teachers. The questionnaire also provided insight on an individual’s inability to differentiate between types of stressors. The implications of these findings for future research, professional development, and wellness education are discussed within this study.
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A Survey Approach to Effects of Work Relates Stress Among Special Education Teachers
A Survey Approach to Effects of Work Relates Stress Among Special Education Teachers
Jessica Hall-Wirth
Teacher stress studies suggest that teacher stress has become progressively heightened. Researchers have acknowledged that teachers are stressed, and in turn, there has been an increase in burnout and turnover within the field. Seemingly, even with the magnitude of a...
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Teacher stress studies suggest that teacher stress has become progressively heightened. Researchers have acknowledged that teachers are stressed, and in turn, there has been an increase in burnout and turnover within the field. Seemingly, even with the magnitude of attention dedicated to preventing occupational stress, the prevalence is growing. In response, this study aimed to understand special education teachers and the stressors within their occupation. This study used a questionnaire using a Likert scale and opened ended questions to gain a better understanding of the stressors and overall well-being of special education teachers. The mixed methods approach allowed for a comprehensive look at 45 K-12 special education teachers within four school districts in Western Pennsylvania. The data was collected from April to May of 2018 and used the themes: (a) working conditions, (b) professional responsibilities, (c) student needs, and (d) student behavior to categorize the data. Data suggested that the working conditions and professional responsibilities provided the most stressors for special education teachers. The questionnaire also provided insight on an individual’s inability to differentiate between types of stressors. The implications of these findings for future research, professional development, and wellness education are discussed within this study.
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A survey of the experiences of Arab music therapists' academic and cultural adjustment in music therapy training
A survey of the experiences of Arab music therapists' academic and cultural adjustment in music therapy training
a mixed-methods analysis
Foster, Kristal
The field of music therapy is currently working towards increasing cultural awareness, equity, social justice, and belongingness for the wide diversity of music therapists and the people we work with. Due to the Eurocentric approach to music therapy education and tra...
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The field of music therapy is currently working towards increasing cultural awareness, equity, social justice, and belongingness for the wide diversity of music therapists and the people we work with. Due to the Eurocentric approach to music therapy education and training, the Arab community is a cultural group that has minimal representation in the music therapy literature. Throughout the Arab world the music therapy profession could still be regarded as being in its infancy stage. With limited international higher education programs in music therapy, most people living within the Arab region must travel to study. Previous research in music therapy and other mental health professions have indicated that international programs have fallen short in their ability to support the needs of international students, instead assuming they will acculturate with ease, and provide minimal education and guidance on ways therapeutic interventions can be adapted in various cultural contexts. This research study utilized a mixed-methods approach within a constructivist paradigm that pulls from feminist theoretical perspectives to better understand the educational and cultural experiences of Arab music therapists through an anonymous online survey. The data was analyzed for common themes that emerged. Overall, a majority of respondents felt that their music therapy education and training experience did not meet all of their cultural needs. The researchers hope that the data gathered will be useful for other Arab international music therapy students, but more importantly, that it will help guide and inform music therapy programs globally in their efforts to better support the needs of Arab music therapy students.
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The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Maniacal 4
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Music Major for a Day Preview Concert
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Taylor, David Interview Audio
Taylor, David Interview Audio
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Audio recording of the interview of David Taylor conducted on November 20, 2015.
Taylor, David Interview Transcript
Taylor, David Interview Transcript
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Transcript of the interview of David Taylor conducted on November 20, 2015.
Taylor, David Interview Video Clip
Taylor, David Interview Video Clip
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Video clip from the interview of David Taylor conducted on November 20, 2015.
TC Smith Publicity Photograph
TC Smith Publicity Photograph
Xtremes Publicity Photograph Collection
Digitized copy of the TC Smith Publicity Photograph
Teacher preparedness for educating students with emotional disturbances within the inclusive setting
Teacher preparedness for educating students with emotional disturbances within the inclusive setting
Susan Stegman
Approximately fourteen percent or 6.7 million school age children in the United States have a disability. Of those fourteen percent of students, it is estimated that 335,000 or five percent of those students qualify under the criteria of emotional disturbance (Nation...
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Approximately fourteen percent or 6.7 million school age children in the United States have a disability. Of those fourteen percent of students, it is estimated that 335,000 or five percent of those students qualify under the criteria of emotional disturbance (National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 2020). Many of these students are included with general education peers and taught by general education teachers. While the teachers strive to implement supports and services to provide an equitable education, it appears that teachers do not enter the field with foundational knowledge or practice. Research has focused on pre-service teacher programs as well as preparedness of teachers to work with students of specific disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder and students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Other research has focused on teacher's literacy in the field of mental health and awareness around mental health needs of students. This study aims to bridge the gap between these areas of research. The study design utilized an interview of twelve current general education teachers to gain information regarding teacher’s pre-service training and experience in supporting students with emotional disturbance within the inclusive setting. Information gained from this study can inform future programming for general educators to best support students with emotional disturbance in the inclusive setting.
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Teachers' Attitudes Towards Inclusion and the Effect on Professional Development
Teachers' Attitudes Towards Inclusion and the Effect on Professional Development
Sub-Title test field.
Joyce A. Carr
Inclusive education has increased for students with disabilities within our public schools since the reauthorization of IDEA ( 1997). This change has resulted in a paradigm shift for both general and special education teachers. Research has shown the success of inclu...
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Inclusive education has increased for students with disabilities within our public schools since the reauthorization of IDEA ( 1997). This change has resulted in a paradigm shift for both general and special education teachers. Research has shown the success of inclusive education is impacted by many factors, one being the attitude of the teachers. Attitude is comprised of three components, Behavioral, Cognitive and Affective (Gregory & Noto, 2012). Understanding what component is a strength or an area that could use improvement will enable educational leaders to develop professional development and training opportunities to address their educators' gaps in attitude in regards to inclusive education. This study identified whether there was a relationship between teacher attitude about inclusion and their teaching assignment, level at which they teach and/or years of teaching experience. A survey was conducted resulting in 219 participants completing the necessary information to be included in the research, which included three demographic questions, as well as a nine item Likert scale questionnaire. General education teachers made up 69.90% of the participants, special education teachers made up 30.10%. Elementary educators were 58% of the respondents, secondary were 42%. Regarding years of teaching experiences for the participants, 7.3% had 0-3 years, 11.9% had 4-9 years and the largest majority of respondents, 80.80%, had ten years or more. After receiving the survey for this quantitative study, responses were analyzed using SPSS, descriptive statistics, Cronbach a, t-Tests, ANOVA and multiple linear regression. Findings of this study indicated general education teachers have a lower level of agreement than their special education colleagues in both the cognitive and affective components of attitude towards inclusion for students with disabilities. Results also indicated that teachers with more than ten years of teaching experience have lower cognitive agreement than those who have taught for fewer years. Lastly, the study showed there was no significant difference in regards to the three components based on the grade level teachers taught. From this study, recommendations for professional development and trainings, as well as future research, were addressed.
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Teachers' attitudes towards inclusion and the effect on professional development
Teachers' attitudes towards inclusion and the effect on professional development
Joyce A. Carr
Inclusive education has increased for students with disabilities within our public schools since the reauthorization of IDEA ( 1997). This change has resulted in a paradigm shift for both general and special education teachers. Research has shown the success of inclu...
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Inclusive education has increased for students with disabilities within our public schools since the reauthorization of IDEA ( 1997). This change has resulted in a paradigm shift for both general and special education teachers. Research has shown the success of inclusive education is impacted by many factors, one being the attitude of the teachers. Attitude is comprised of three components, Behavioral, Cognitive and Affective (Gregory & Noto, 2012). Understanding what component is a strength or an area that could use improvement will enable educational leaders to develop professional development and training opportunities to address their educators' gaps in attitude in regards to inclusive education. This study identified whether there was a relationship between teacher attitude about inclusion and their teaching assignment, level at which they teach and/or years of teaching experience. A survey was conducted resulting in 219 participants completing the necessary information to be included in the research, which included three demographic questions, as well as a nine item Likert scale questionnaire. General education teachers made up 69.90% of the participants, special education teachers made up 30.10%. Elementary educators were 58% of the respondents, secondary were 42%. Regarding years of teaching experiences for the participants, 7.3% had 0-3 years, 11.9% had 4-9 years and the largest majority of respondents, 80.80%, had ten years or more. After receiving the survey for this quantitative study, responses were analyzed using SPSS, descriptive statistics, Cronbach a, t-Tests, ANOVA and multiple linear regression. Findings of this study indicated general education teachers have a lower level of agreement than their special education colleagues in both the cognitive and affective components of attitude towards inclusion for students with disabilities. Results also indicated that teachers with more than ten years of teaching experience have lower cognitive agreement than those who have taught for fewer years. Lastly, the study showed there was no significant difference in regards to the three components based on the grade level teachers taught. From this study, recommendations for professional development and trainings, as well as future research, were addressed.
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Teachers' perceptions of successfully sustained PBIS programs
Teachers' perceptions of successfully sustained PBIS programs
Pfeiffer, Nathan
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a system of support that includes proactive interventions for defining, teaching, and supporting student behaviors to ensure a positive school atmosphere. PBIS programs are being implemented more and more and t...
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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a system of support that includes proactive interventions for defining, teaching, and supporting student behaviors to ensure a positive school atmosphere. PBIS programs are being implemented more and more and there is a large amount of research and literature about best practices when implementing these programs, but not as much on sustaining these programs. The purpose of this mixed methods study is to look at successfully sustained PBIS programs and to find commonalities from teacher perspectives on these programs. Finding these common trends will help other schools and districts being able to maintain their PBIS program after implementation. The data for this study was collected through teacher responses to open-ended questions on PBIS programs and ratings based on Likert-type questions on the importance and effectiveness of key PBIS program components. The school used for this study had been identified by the state of Pennsylvania as having sustained fidelity with their PBIS program. Themes that emerged from this research were the importance of adapting programs, staff buy-in, the use of data, teacher training and professional development, administrative support, and the token economy. These findings show the need to continually make changes to programs over time, the proper use of data, continued professional development, and the importance of funding to sustain PBIS programs.
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Teresa Publicity Photograph
Teresa Publicity Photograph
Xtremes Publicity Photograph Collection
Digitized copy of the Teresa Publicity Photograph
Theories of the Old School Publicity Photograph
Theories of the Old School Publicity Photograph
Xtremes Publicity Photograph Collection
Digitized copy of the Theories of the Old School Publicity Photograph