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Rogers, Vera Interview Audio
Rogers, Vera Interview Audio
James Mennell Oral History Collection
Audio recording of the interview of Vera Rogers.
Russell, Bruce Interview Audio
Russell, Bruce Interview Audio
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Audio recording of the interview of Bruce Russell conducted on November 12, 2008.
Russell, Bruce Interview Transcript
Russell, Bruce Interview Transcript
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Transcript of the interview of Bruce Russell conducted on November 12, 2008.
Russell, Bruce Interview Video Clip
Russell, Bruce Interview Video Clip
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Video clip from the interview of Bruce Russell conducted on November 12, 2008.
Russell, Dorothy Interview Audio
Russell, Dorothy Interview Audio
James Mennell Oral History Collection
Audio recording of the interview of Dorothy Russell in 1980.
Sack, Lucy Interview Audio
Sack, Lucy Interview Audio
Slippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History Collection
Audio recording of the interview of Lucy Sack on December 6, 1990.
Sack, Lucy Interview Audio
Sack, Lucy Interview Audio
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Audio recording of the interview of Lucy Sack conducted on November 5, 2008.
Sack, Lucy Interview Transcript
Sack, Lucy Interview Transcript
Slippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History Collection
Transcript of the interview of Lucy Sack on December 6, 1990.
Sack, Lucy Interview Transcript
Sack, Lucy Interview Transcript
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Transcript of the interview of Lucy Sack conducted on November 5, 2008.
Sack, Lucy Interview Video Clip
Sack, Lucy Interview Video Clip
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Video clip from the interview of Lucy Sack conducted on November 5, 2008.
Say So Publicity Photograph
Say So Publicity Photograph
Xtremes Publicity Photograph Collection
Digitized copy of the Say So Publicity Photograph
Scared Weird Little Guys Publicity Photograph
Scared Weird Little Guys Publicity Photograph
Xtremes Publicity Photograph Collection
Digitized copy of the Scared Weird Little Guys Publicity Photograph
Schmieler, Claire Interview Audio
Schmieler, Claire Interview Audio
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Audio recording of the interview of Claire Schmieler conducted on July 14, 2008.
Schmieler, Claire Interview Transcript
Schmieler, Claire Interview Transcript
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Transcript of the interview of Claire Schmieler conducted on July 14, 2008.
Schmieler, Claire Interview Video Clip
Schmieler, Claire Interview Video Clip
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Video clip from the interview of Claire Schmieler conducted on July 14, 2008.
School psychologists' perspectives
School psychologists' perspectives
a qualitative analysis of disability labeling and implications
Smyre, Danielle
Factors beyond legal regulations, ethical practice, and training influence the identification process conducted by school psychologists when labeling a child with a disability. Research has not sought to go to the source and directly question the process of identific...
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Factors beyond legal regulations, ethical practice, and training influence the identification process conducted by school psychologists when labeling a child with a disability. Research has not sought to go to the source and directly question the process of identification from the perspective of school psychologists. This niche in the field of school psychology practice plays a larger role within special education, beckoning for an increased understanding of the cognitive dissonance and resolution processes experienced by school psychologists when labeling a child. Using a qualitative inquiry within a grounded theory, phenomenological framework, ten school psychologists from Berks County, Pennsylvania were interviewed. Interview transcript analysis was completed using manual, blending thematic coding, including inductive and deductive approaches. The research reveals insight into school psychologists’ thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of assigning a disability label to a child; salient factors influencing school psychologist disability labeling; and the cognitive dissonance and resolution processes experienced by school psychologists when assigning disability labels. Results indicate the presence of a vast array of thoughts and feelings experienced by school psychologists during the process of disability labeling. Salient factors during school psychologist decision-making to inform disability labeling, beyond federal and state identification criteria, are examined. Extending the present field of research, cognitive dissonance during decision-making and disability labeling was identified, with reflections upon the broader implications across special education considered. In totality, school psychologists feel the very real pressure to navigate the myriad of internal experiences and external factors to help students through disability identification and labeling.
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Selected Hilarity Publicity Photograph
Selected Hilarity Publicity Photograph
Xtremes Publicity Photograph Collection
Digitized copy of the Selected Hilarity Publicity Photograph
Selman, Marc Interview Audio
Selman, Marc Interview Audio
Slippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History Collection
Audio recording of the interview of Marc Selman on September 19, 1990.
Selman, Marc Interview Transcript
Selman, Marc Interview Transcript
Slippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History Collection
Transcript of the interview of Marc Selman on September 19, 1990.
Sexism and cisgenderism in music therapy spaces
Sexism and cisgenderism in music therapy spaces
An exploration of gender microaggressions experienced by music therapists
Kristen McSorley
This narrative inquiry examined the experience of gender microaggressions in the music therapy field. Gender microaggressions are defined as everyday assaults, insults, or invalidations that occur towards persons with marginalized gender identities (including trans/c...
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This narrative inquiry examined the experience of gender microaggressions in the music therapy field. Gender microaggressions are defined as everyday assaults, insults, or invalidations that occur towards persons with marginalized gender identities (including trans/cis women, trans men, and nonbinary persons) (Sue et al., 2007). As music therapy academic, clinical, and professional spaces are microcosms for larger sociopolitical contexts, music therapists are prone to enacting microaggressions through verbal, non-verbal, and musical means. Microaggressions accumulate throughout a person’s lifetime to negatively impact a person’s health and well-being. In this narrative inquiry, semi-structured interviews occurred with eight participant music therapists to examine their experiences of gender microaggressions in music therapy. Results demonstrated that gender microaggressions manifest in a variety of ways and enactors include music therapy colleagues, presenters, internship directors, educators, and clients. Five themes with 33 sub-themes were found: qualities of microaggressions (cumulative, intersectional, subtle, systemic), impact of incident (gender dysphoria, hurt, indignant, internalization, invalidated, lingering, questioning, regret, shame, shocked, stereotype threat, tired, tokenized, visceral reaction), survival tactics (avoidance, caregiving for the enactor, forgiveness, intellectualizing, minimizing, processing, self-protection, vigilance), interpersonal dynamics (impact on relationship, professional boundaries, power dynamics, response of enactor), and gender in music therapy (feeling affirmed, need for dialogue and support, perceived advantage of cis men). From these findings, it is clear that there is a need for music therapists to develop greater awareness of ways in which they enact gender microaggressions and to create more spaces for music therapists with marginalized gender identities to process these incidents.
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Sexual offenders in western Pennsylvania
Sexual offenders in western Pennsylvania
An analysis of Megan's Law registrants
Kuhn, Elizabeth
In the United States, the implementation of sex offender legislation, such as the passing of the Jacob Wetterling Act in 1994, was initiated to improve the response to the increasing perception of public safety concerns that individuals convicted of sexual offenses p...
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In the United States, the implementation of sex offender legislation, such as the passing of the Jacob Wetterling Act in 1994, was initiated to improve the response to the increasing perception of public safety concerns that individuals convicted of sexual offenses posed to community members. However, despite the enactment of such policies, debates regarding the effectiveness of sex offender registration and notification (SORN) requirements continue, with critics arguing that policies are founded on conclusions gained from research that overlooks a portion of the sex-offending population: females who sexually offend. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to explore the prevalence and nature of female sex offending in Allegheny County. Results demonstrated that female sex offenders accounted for 2.8% of the total convicted sexual offender population in Allegheny. Additionally, females were primarily White and, on average, younger than male offenders. A significant proportion of females (82.1%) had a minor victim, and the study's findings also determined that lifetime registry was the highest occurring tier classification for both males and females. Types of primary offenses that females were convicted of included charges such as sex trafficking (7.7%) and indecent assault (30.8%), with indecent assault also as the most frequent sub-offense conviction (12.8%). Lastly, results exhibited that male (M = 7.46, SD = 3.221) and female (M = 6.46, SD = 2.602) sex offenders in Allegheny County did not have significantly different offense gravity scores.
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Shaevitz, Ben Audio
Shaevitz, Ben Audio
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Audio of the interview of Ben Shaevitz conducted on June 2, 2022.
Shaevitz, Ben Transcript
Shaevitz, Ben Transcript
ROCKvoices Oral History Project
Transcript of the interview of Ben Shaevitz conducted on June 2, 2022.