Rogers, Vera Interview AudioJames Mennell Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of Vera Rogers.
Russell, Bruce Interview AudioROCKvoices Oral History ProjectAudio recording of the interview of Bruce Russell conducted on November 12, 2008.
Russell, Bruce Interview TranscriptROCKvoices Oral History ProjectTranscript of the interview of Bruce Russell conducted on November 12, 2008.
Russell, Bruce Interview Video ClipROCKvoices Oral History ProjectVideo clip from the interview of Bruce Russell conducted on November 12, 2008.
Russell, Dorothy Interview AudioJames Mennell Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of Dorothy Russell in 1980.
Sack, Lucy Interview AudioSlippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of Lucy Sack on December 6, 1990.
Sack, Lucy Interview AudioROCKvoices Oral History ProjectAudio recording of the interview of Lucy Sack conducted on November 5, 2008.
Sack, Lucy Interview TranscriptSlippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History CollectionTranscript of the interview of Lucy Sack on December 6, 1990.
Sack, Lucy Interview TranscriptROCKvoices Oral History ProjectTranscript of the interview of Lucy Sack conducted on November 5, 2008.
Sack, Lucy Interview Video ClipROCKvoices Oral History ProjectVideo clip from the interview of Lucy Sack conducted on November 5, 2008.
Say So Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Say So Publicity Photograph
Scared Weird Little Guys Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Scared Weird Little Guys Publicity Photograph
Schmieler, Claire Interview AudioROCKvoices Oral History ProjectAudio recording of the interview of Claire Schmieler conducted on July 14, 2008.
Schmieler, Claire Interview TranscriptROCKvoices Oral History ProjectTranscript of the interview of Claire Schmieler conducted on July 14, 2008.
Schmieler, Claire Interview Video ClipROCKvoices Oral History ProjectVideo clip from the interview of Claire Schmieler conducted on July 14, 2008.
School psychologists' perspectivesa qualitative analysis of disability labeling and implicationsFactors beyond legal regulations, ethical practice, and training influence the identification process conducted by school psychologists when labeling a child with a disability. Research has not sought to go to the source and directly question the process of identific...
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Selected Hilarity Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Selected Hilarity Publicity Photograph
Selman, Marc Interview AudioSlippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of Marc Selman on September 19, 1990.
Selman, Marc Interview TranscriptSlippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History CollectionTranscript of the interview of Marc Selman on September 19, 1990.
Sexism and cisgenderism in music therapy spacesAn exploration of gender microaggressions experienced by music therapistsThis narrative inquiry examined the experience of gender microaggressions in the music therapy field. Gender microaggressions are defined as everyday assaults, insults, or invalidations that occur towards persons with marginalized gender identities (including trans/c...
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Sexual offenders in western PennsylvaniaAn analysis of Megan's Law registrantsIn the United States, the implementation of sex offender legislation, such as the passing of the Jacob Wetterling Act in 1994, was initiated to improve the response to the increasing perception of public safety concerns that individuals convicted of sexual offenses p...
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