Black, Paul Interview AudioROCKvoices Oral History ProjectAudio recording of the interview of Paul Black conducted on 2008 July 29.
Black, Paul Interview AudioJames Mennell Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of Paul Black.
Black, Paul Interview TranscriptROCKvoices Oral History ProjectTranscript of the interview of Paul Black conducted on 2008 July 29.
Black, Paul Interview Video ClipROCKvoices Oral History ProjectVideo clip from the interview of Paul Black conducted on 2008 July 29.
Blair Shannon Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Blair Shannon publicity photograph
Bob Jones CollectionBob Jones, a 1983 Slippery Rock State College (SRSC) graduate, designed the original Rocky the Rock mascot and portrayed it as a student and as an alumnus at Slippery Rock University events. Rocky made its debut in 1978, when Bob Jones was a freshman at SRSC.
Boyer, R.C. Interview AudioBaseball in Pennsylvania Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of R. C. Boyer on October 10, 1994.
Boyer, R.C. Interview TranscriptBaseball in Pennsylvania Oral History CollectionTranscript of the interview of R. C. Boyer on October 10, 1994.
Brennan, Kate Interview AudioSlippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of Kate Brennan on May 18, 1993.
Brennan, Kate Interview TranscriptSlippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History CollectionTranscript of the interview of Kate Brennan on May 18, 1993.
Briles, Nelson Interview AudioBaseball in Pennsylvania Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of Nelson Briles.
Briles, Nelson Interview TranscriptBaseball in Pennsylvania Oral History CollectionTranscript of the interview of Nelson Briles.
Bruno, Paul Interview AudioSlippery Rock University in the Sixties Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of Paul Bruno.
Bryanelson, Glady Interview AudioJames Mennell Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of Glady Bryanelson.
Building Community and Exploring Identity through Culturally Focused Music-Making for Biracial Filipino/a/x Americans in the United StatesThis qualitative focus group study explores the use of music in building community and exploring themes of identity for biracial Filipino/a/x Americans, while also introducing participants to cultural values. Participants included Aurora, Lynn, and Kim (pseudonyms); ...
Show moreThis qualitative focus group study explores the use of music in building community and exploring themes of identity for biracial Filipino/a/x Americans, while also introducing participants to cultural values. Participants included Aurora, Lynn, and Kim (pseudonyms); all identify as biracial or multiethnic Filipinos. Aurora participated in all 6 music therapy sessions. Lynn participated in the first session. Kim was only able to participate in music therapy sessions 2 and 3, due to having to start fall term for her second year of music therapy studies. The first four sessions focused on a Filipino/a/x cultural value: Kapwa, Utang Ng Loob, Hiya, and Pakikisama. The fifth session involved a recap of the previous sessions and discussion of a topic related to lived experiences that occurred the week after the previous session. Session 6 focused on a recap of the cultural values that were explored and resulted in a songwriting session focusing on Hiya. Findings indicated that participants felt a closer connection to their biracial Filipino/a/x identity by being in a space with other participants who also identified as biracial Filipino/a/x, creating a space to be authentic and vulnerable, and utilizing music as a focused tool to explore identity. An implication of this study is that music therapy is an untapped allied health care resource for the Filipino community. Additionally, there is a need for biracial Asian and Filipino healthcare providers. Currently, to my knowledge there are only two Filipino board-certified music therapists in the state of Oregon both of which are biracial, including the investigator. Future studies should continue to explore the nuanced experiences of biracial Filipino/a/x individuals, with an emphasis on expanding sample sizes, incorporating intergenerational perspectives, the duality of identity, and deepening cultural specificity in therapeutic practices.
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Burkhart, Patrick Interview AudioROCKvoices Oral History ProjectAudio recording of the interview of Patrick Burkhart conducted on 2009 December 11.
Burkhart, Patrick Interview TranscriptROCKvoices Oral History ProjectTranscript of the interview of Patrick Burkhart conducted on 2009 December 11.
Burkhart, Patrick Interview Video ClipROCKvoices Oral History ProjectVideo clip from the interview of Patrick Burkhart conducted on 2009 December 11.
Campus Buildings CollectionA sampling of images, articles, and other items related to buildings on SRU campus and people whom they are named after. Please contact the archives to access more items that are not currently in the repository.