Poldiak, Pete Interview AudioBaseball in Pennsylvania Oral History CollectionAudio recording of the interview of Pete Poldiak on November 12, 1994.
Poldiak, Pete Interview TranscriptBaseball in Pennsylvania Oral History CollectionTranscript of the interview of Pete Poldiak on November 12, 1994.
Potentials and barriers to culturally responsive music therapy educationPerspectives of music therapy educatorsAbstract This qualitative focus group study explored perceptions of potentials and barriers to cultural responsiveness in music therapy education. Music therapy literature calls for an increase in culturally informed music therapy practice. However, despite cultural ...
Show moreAbstract This qualitative focus group study explored perceptions of potentials and barriers to cultural responsiveness in music therapy education. Music therapy literature calls for an increase in culturally informed music therapy practice. However, despite cultural considerations present in music therapy professional competencies, there are no standards for culturally responsive pedagogical practices. Simultaneously, there has been an acknowledgment in the music therapy literature of challenges to culturally responsive practices, such as the homogeneous, privileged identities dominant in music therapy's professional demographics, compounded by the privileging of Western classical music in music therapy education. In this exploratory study, an online focus group discussion was facilitated with seven music therapy educators to explore their perspectives on the definition of culturally responsive education, their reflective evaluations of their pedagogical practices, their perspectives on how standards of music therapy education inform and/or hinder the ability to foster cultural responsiveness, and their respective outlooks on how potentials and barriers to cultural responsiveness are impacting education, research, theory, and practice. Results demonstrated that educators who value cultural responsiveness believe it is being overlooked in the field of music therapy. Six themes with 34 sub-themes were found: defining cultural responsiveness (stances of humility, self-awareness, continual and constant attention, knowledge of systems of power, self-critique, process, accountability, skills), relevance to clinical practice (ethical responsibility, effect on the therapeutic relationship, effective versus ineffective practice), approaches in education (dedicated course work, infused throughout the program, gradually increasing depth, beyond the classroom, from the beginning, dialogical over technical, experiential learning), preparedness (personal/professional growth practice, training for supervisors and faculty, staying informed), institutional attitudes (the need for changing attitudes, the field is improving, superficiality, the burden on marginalized faculty, commitment to social justice, support from administration), and barriers (Eurocentricity, lack of diversity, AMTA, jam-packed program, no specific training, the need for research). These findings offer recommendations for how the field of music therapy approaches cultural responsiveness in our training programs.
Show less2019
Powell, Walter Interview AudioROCKvoices Oral History ProjectAudio recording of the interview of Walter Powell conducted on May 5, 2009.
Powell, Walter Interview TranscriptROCKvoices Oral History ProjectTranscript of the interview of Walter Powell conducted on May 5, 2009.
Powell, Walter Interview Video ClipROCKvoices Oral History ProjectVideo clip from the interview of Walter Powell conducted on May 5, 2009.
PRESCHOOL TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVES ON IMPLEMENTING PBIS WITH FIDELITYA CASE STUDY ANALYSISPositive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, multi-tiered framework aimed at supporting preventive and intervention practices, promoting social-emotional skills, and improving academic outcomes for all students. Program-Wide Positive Beha...
Show morePositive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, multi-tiered framework aimed at supporting preventive and intervention practices, promoting social-emotional skills, and improving academic outcomes for all students. Program-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PWPBIS), an adaptation of PBIS for early childhood programs, emphasizes promoting social-emotional skills and implementing preventive strategies to reduce challenging behaviors. Although PBIS is widely researched and validated, there is limited research on implementing PBIS with fidelity, especially within preschool settings. This case study aimed to examine preschool classrooms and assess how teachers' perspectives influence effective PBIS implementation. Data were collected through in-depth, open-ended interviews on PWPBIS and analyzed thematically to identify both key themes and barriers to successful implementation. The main themes that emerged included teachers’ attitudes and perceptions, collaborative support systems, professional development training, staff buy-in, and perceptions of observations. Notable barriers included a lack of staff buy-in, insufficient professional development, misapplications of PBIS, persistent challenging behaviors, and limited support systems. These findings highlight the critical need for staff buy-in, consistent support, and ongoing professional development to sustain PBIS implementation with fidelity.
Show less2024
Preventing abandonment of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices for students with autism : parent perspectives for successful implementationThe purpose of the present study was to investigate the perspectives of parents of students with ASD who use high-tech AAC in educational settings. Although the use of AAC in school settings has been studied, research has not narrowed its scope to focus on children w...
Show moreThe purpose of the present study was to investigate the perspectives of parents of students with ASD who use high-tech AAC in educational settings. Although the use of AAC in school settings has been studied, research has not narrowed its scope to focus on children with ASD who use high-tech speech generating devices (SGDs) and receive special education services in school settings. By analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data, this study aims to create an initial framework for successful implementation of AAC for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. A mixed methods design was chosen for this study. Parametric and nonparametric statistics were utilized to test the theory that ease of use, device usefulness, and ease of learning the AAC technology positively influence parent satisfaction. Transcripts from semi-structured interviews were manually coded to identify qualitative themes related to parent satisfaction with their children’s AAC devices. Three qualitative themes emerged: parents feel like they are not equal members of the IEP team, parents act as self-advocates, and parents have difficulty trusting the recommendations made by the school team. Quantitative data analyses revealed a strong positive correlation between ease of use and satisfaction, ease of learning and satisfaction, and usability and satisfaction. Triangulation of data through qualitative analysis confirm that satisfaction is related to ease of use, ease of learning, and usability of the high-tech AAC device. Future studies should investigate parent perspectives that lead to abandonment of speech generating devices in different regions of the United States and across underrepresented groups. In addition, preservice programs in special education and speech-language pathology should be studied in order to determine the extent to which students entering the field have been taught to engage in family-centered practice. Finally, future research should investigate strategies that lead to successful implementation of speech generating devices with children with ASD.
Show less2021
Preventing Abandonment of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices for Students with Autism: Parent Perspectives for Successful ImplementationThe purpose of the present study was to investigate the perspectives of parents of students with ASD who use high-tech AAC in educational settings. Although the use of AAC in school settings has been studied, research has not narrowed its scope to focus on children w...
Show moreThe purpose of the present study was to investigate the perspectives of parents of students with ASD who use high-tech AAC in educational settings. Although the use of AAC in school settings has been studied, research has not narrowed its scope to focus on children with ASD who use high-tech speech generating devices (SGDs) and receive special education services in school settings. By analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data, this study aims to create an initial framework for successful implementation of AAC for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. A mixed methods design was chosen for this study. Parametric and nonparametric statistics were utilized to test the theory that ease of use, device usefulness, and ease of learning the AAC technology positively influence parent satisfaction. Transcripts from semi-structured interviews were manually coded to identify qualitative themes related to parent satisfaction with their children’s AAC devices. Three qualitative themes emerged: parents feel like they are not equal members of the IEP team, parents act as self-advocates, and parents have difficulty trusting the recommendations made by the school team. Quantitative data analyses revealed a strong positive correlation between ease of use and satisfaction, ease of learning and satisfaction, and usability and satisfaction. Triangulation of data through qualitative analysis confirm that satisfaction is related to ease of use, ease of learning, and usability of the high-tech AAC device. Future studies should investigate parent perspectives that lead to abandonment of speech generating devices in different regions of the United States and across underrepresented groups. In addition, preservice programs in special education and speech-language pathology should be studied in order to determine the extent to which students entering the field have been taught to engage in family-centered practice. Finally, future research should investigate strategies that lead to successful implementation of speech generating devices with children with ASD.
Show less2021
Principals' perspectives in determining the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities in rural Northwestern Pennsylvania schoolshis research was conducted to determine the perspectives of principals in determining the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities. When principals are placed into the role of Local Education Agency (LEA) they are part of the decision-making proce...
Show morehis research was conducted to determine the perspectives of principals in determining the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities. When principals are placed into the role of Local Education Agency (LEA) they are part of the decision-making process for determining the least restrictive environment (LRE) for individuals with disabilities in their schools. This research focused on the perceptions and attitudes that the principals have as it relates to special education. The research utilized a two-part investigation. For the first part, principals were asked to answer questions related to demographic data and educational experiences. Then, were asked a series of questions related to their attitudes toward inclusionary practices. Principals were then asked several hypothetical questions related to determining the LRE for students with disabilities. In the second part of the research, participants engaged in a face to face virtual interview that asked a series of questions related to their role as the LEA in their school and the perspectives that each principal had in relations to determining the LRE for students with disabilities. The results of the research indicated that principals lack the fundamental capacity to fully understand special education and its implications. The research showed and overwhelming need for in-depth professional development in the area of special education for principals as it relates to leading their schools and special education population. The need to build capacity to lead initiatives such as inclusion within their school is imperative in moving forward to ensure that individuals with special needs are educated in the LRE.
Show less2021
Providing tier 2 math interventions within core instructionIn 2004 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was reauthorized allowing states to use various models to determine Specific Learning Disability. The thought behind allowing schools and districts to use other models besides the discrepancy model involved the ...
Show moreIn 2004 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was reauthorized allowing states to use various models to determine Specific Learning Disability. The thought behind allowing schools and districts to use other models besides the discrepancy model involved the overidentification of Specific Learning Disabilities in students. One of the models stated in the reauthorization was Responsiveness to Intervention, RtI. Throughout the country, different models of RtI have been used and embraced by schools and districts. In PA, the decision to use RtI for SLD determination is up to each school and district. In the past ten years, RtI has is now part of a framework called Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). It is a systemic, constant improvement framework where data-based problem solving using benchmark and other assessments to make decisions is used to determine the needs of all students. RtI is part of that process. As more and more schools incorporate MTSS and RtI, this study seeks to examine the impact on student benchmark assessment scores when RtI is used within math core classrooms. This study also included an examination of the influence of professional development on teacher efficacy, including understanding all of the components of RtI, benchmark assessments, small group instruction, and evidence-based interventions. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative methods included analysis of data from the Acadience benchmark assessment scores for 2nd grade students from three elementary schools. Data involved fall, winter, and spring assessment scores. The qualitative portion included interviews with teachers who attended the professional development training offered by the researcher and subsequent iterative analysis of interview transcripts and field notes. The results did not provide evidence that targeted professional development had an impact on student achievement. Students benchmark scores did not improve significantly from the winter to the spring. Only one teacher made a growth over the expected growth that was projected. Analysis of the teacher interviews indicates that teachers varied in their perception of professional development. Discussion of the findings and implications for further research are included.
Show less2021
A Qualitative Analysis of Administrative Oversight of Inclusionary Environments in Secondary ClassroomsThe position of principal has evolved into one with many responsibilities ranging from managerial to visionary leader. Federal legislation has placed an added layer of responsibility through the implementation of Public Law 94-142 which supported social justice refor...
Show moreThe position of principal has evolved into one with many responsibilities ranging from managerial to visionary leader. Federal legislation has placed an added layer of responsibility through the implementation of Public Law 94-142 which supported social justice reforms that were meant to include students with disabilities and provide an education for them alongside their non-disabled peers. The changes brought about by this legislation and its iterations, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and No Child Left Behind Act, have supported inclusionary actions taken by schools and placed importance on effectiveness of the programs used to educate all students. Despite more students with disabilities being included in general education classrooms, schools still struggle with supporting effective inclusionary programs. This study conducted an exploration of a principal’s decision making processes by gathering descriptions of their background experiences, leadership, and structural management of inclusionary environments. It offers insight into what inclusionary environments look like through the eyes of the principal. Research was conducted through a case study with three principals using phenomenological techniques. This study revealed four themes that provide a vibrant description of the inclusionary environments in these principal’s buildings. The principals interviewed in this study discussed their background experiences as teachers, their professional certification coursework, leadership approaches and the structural management of inclusion. Their insight can help one to think about inclusion as they do on a daily basis.
Show less2020
A qualitative research study on the impact of administrative support and access to culturally responsive tools among teachers serving at-risk populationsThis qualitative research study analyzed open-ended survey responses from teachers and administrators regarding perceptions of the support administrators provide for culturally responsive practices and addressing the needs of at-risk and underserved populations. For ...
Show moreThis qualitative research study analyzed open-ended survey responses from teachers and administrators regarding perceptions of the support administrators provide for culturally responsive practices and addressing the needs of at-risk and underserved populations. For purposes of this research study, the teacher group included educators who have an impact on the day-to-day functions within the classroom environment: paraprofessionals, assistants, and related service providers. Building-level principals, assistant principals, and central office administration including superintendent, assistant superintendent, curriculum supervisor, and special education supervisor(s) were included in the administrator group. Responses from both groups were reviewed separately and comparatively to determine whether there were similarities and differences between teachers’ perceptions of the supports provided by administrators and administrators’ perceptions of the supports they provide. Qualitative data were reviewed and evaluated to provide an analysis aligned with the study’s research questions. Participants were from a diverse group of professionals across Pennsylvania. Survey responses maintained full confidentiality of the participants for protection from any potential negative consequences or outcomes from their participation in the research project. A comprehensive review of the literature was completed to provide comparative data to complement the study results and analysis of individual survey responses. The overall outcome of the study is dependent on and limited based on the participant sample size and diversity of the participant environments. Keywords: administrator, confidential, correlation, culturally responsive, diversity, hand-coding, survey-based perception, participant, professional development, qualitative research study, retention, support, systematic inequalities, teacher
Show less2023
Quast, Garry Interview AudioROCKvoices Oral History ProjectAudio recording of the interview of Garry Quast conducted on September 16, 2008.
Quast, Garry Interview TranscriptROCKvoices Oral History ProjectTranscript of the interview of Garry Quast conducted on September 16, 2008.
Quast, Garry Interview Video ClipROCKvoices Oral History ProjectVideo clip from the interview of Garry Quast conducted on September 16, 2008.
Queens of Slippery RockSLAB Issue #13The essay "Queens of Slippery Rock" from issue #13 of the SLAB literary magazine.
Queens of Slippery Rock Oral History CollectionThe Queens of Slippery Rock Oral History project was conceived by Dr. Mark O'Connor, an associate professor of English at SRU. Rose Xavier, an English literature major from the class of 2018, researched and conducted interviews of Slippery Rock Homecoming Queens. The...
Show moreThe Queens of Slippery Rock Oral History project was conceived by Dr. Mark O'Connor, an associate professor of English at SRU. Rose Xavier, an English literature major from the class of 2018, researched and conducted interviews of Slippery Rock Homecoming Queens. The research culminated in the essay “Queens of Slippery Rock” co-authored by Xavier and Brenna Waugaman for the 2018 edition of SLAB literary magazine.
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Queer clients' experiences of harm in therapyThis thesis aimed to explore how queer clients experience harm in music therapy and how that harm impacted the therapeutic relationship and process. Upon completing an initial interest and demographic survey, four participants were selected to participate in semi-str...
Show moreThis thesis aimed to explore how queer clients experience harm in music therapy and how that harm impacted the therapeutic relationship and process. Upon completing an initial interest and demographic survey, four participants were selected to participate in semi-structured Zoom interviews. Interviews were transcribed and coded, resulting in seven themes: 1) therapist responses, 2) client responses, 3) qualities of the therapeutic relationship, 4) client perceptions of therapist, 5) impact on client and the therapeutic process, 6) barriers to accessing therapy, and 7) what builds safety and trust. Findings are discussed in relation to the research questions, and implications for clinical practice and suggestions for future research are also provided.
Show less2023
Randy Riggle Publicity PhotographXtremes Publicity Photograph CollectionDigitized copy of the Randy Riggle Publicity Photograph