Search Results1 to 20 of 23
A correlational study
Effective Professional Development Implementation and the Outcome on Student Progress
Effectiveness of inclusion in K-12 schools on students' academic performance
The effects of an interactive online learning platform on second-grade students' mathematics performance
The effects of music therapy on social skills in individuals with autism
Experiences of Trust in Music Therapy
The Experiences of Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Engaging in Parent-Child Music Therapy Groups
Exploring general education teachers' perceptions of children with disabilities in general education
Group music therapy for LGBTQIA+ parents experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety
Imagining a post–intentional phenomenology of cisnormativity
The Importance of Employability Skills for Students with Disabilities
Language discourse in music therapy
Music therapists' experiences working in a setting that values censorship
The Music Therapist’s Experience of Conflicting Approaches in the Workplace
Perceived levels of burnout in public school SLPs
A qualitative research study on the impact of administrative support and access to culturally responsive tools among teachers serving at-risk populations
Queer clients' experiences of harm in therapy
School psychologists' perspectives
Sexual offenders in western Pennsylvania
Special educators' perspectives and experiences with workplace bullying