Search Results1 to 20 of 21
Ableism and colonialism in international music therapy service-learning settings
Augmented and virtual realities in special education contexts
Effectiveness of a summer intervention program on improving kindergarten readiness in at-risk students
Effects of implementing a transition curriculum using Google Classroom on the self-determination, post-secondary readiness, and career readiness skills of high school students with high incidence disabilities
The efficacy of equine-assisted activities on social outcomes of individuals with autism spectrum disorder
Embodying the Black/African-American experience through collaborative improvised music and dance/movement
An examination of elementary school librarians' self-efficacy beliefs in serving students with disabilities
Examining teachers' attitudes toward the inclusion of students using alternate standards in regular standards core academic classes
Examining the efficacy of universally delivered social and emotional learning curriculum, second step
The impact of discontinue criteria on potential gifted students' scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - fifth edition
Loneliness, Covid-19, and music
Middle school teacher and support staff perceptions of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Music, identity, and authenticity
Music therapists' perceptions of the effects of tele-music therapy on client access
Overcoming childhood adversity
Perspectives of special education teachers on students with disabilities in an inclusive setting
A phenomenological qualitative inquiry : assistive technology use or discontinued use in the school setting
Preventing abandonment of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices for students with autism : parent perspectives for successful implementation
Principals' perspectives in determining the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities in rural Northwestern Pennsylvania schools
Providing tier 2 math interventions within core instruction