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- Title
- Ableism and colonialism in international music therapy service-learning settings
- Abstract
Music therapy settings are often marked by multiple power hierarchies, in which music therapists hold privileged identities in areas such as race, disability, language, and class in relation to clients who may carry multiple oppressed identities. In international ser...
Show moreMusic therapy settings are often marked by multiple power hierarchies, in which music therapists hold privileged identities in areas such as race, disability, language, and class in relation to clients who may carry multiple oppressed identities. In international service-learning settings, these dualities can be even more pronounced. As international service-learning projects market themselves to young music therapists and students, they emphasize these projects’ ability to accelerate music therapists’ advancement in the profession. However, analysis of visual and written discourse can reveal subtler and more insidious consequences of such projects, particularly in the ways they uphold colonial and ableist paradigms. In this paper, I will outline some foundational understandings regarding Indigenous studies, Disability studies, “voluntourism,” and the relevance of representation. I will then analyze publicly available photos and text from four international music therapy service-learning projects, using Actor-Network Theory to identify colonial and ableist themes. The analyses will demonstrate that these experiences align and prepare young music therapists for broader music therapy practice mainly by reinforcing music therapy’s deeply colonial and ableist foundations. Music therapy identity in these images is white, settler, nondisabled, and aligned with Western music and culture; client identity is Indigenous, colonized, Disabled, and represented without markers of local cultural resources. Beyond identity, these images reveal relational patterns that align with colonial and ableist tropes. As represented in these images and texts, music therapists purportedly give, help, act, distribute, teach, and transform, whereas clients receive, wait, accept, assimilate, and “overcome.” The representations are not merely neutral agents that reveal existing dynamics; they also perpetuate problematic notions of music therapy as an assimilative and charitable agent, enacted by active “helpers” upon passive “sufferers.” They both accentuate and perpetuate assumptions of Black and colonized people as needy or deficient, positioning Western music therapists conversely as helpful and sufficient. In analyzing and interpreting these representations, I will approach the following questions: How much does music therapist identity depend on the construction of a needy other? In representing ourselves as helpers, how do music therapists unwittingly create or emphasize deficits in clients?
Show less - Year Issued
- 2021
- Author
- Gilman, Vee
- Sub-title
- A critical discourse analysis
- Title
- Befriending the piano
- Abstract
This mixed methods dual case study explores the impact of creative free play sessions on college music students' experiences of piano performance anxiety within a music therapy context. Participants included Johanna and Wade, undergraduate students enrolled in a clas...
Show moreThis mixed methods dual case study explores the impact of creative free play sessions on college music students' experiences of piano performance anxiety within a music therapy context. Participants included Johanna and Wade, undergraduate students enrolled in a class piano course for non-piano majors. Johanna, a white 20-year-old cis female, and Wade, a white 35-year-old cis male, participated in 8-10 music therapy sessions that involved discussion and creative free play on piano focusing on alleviating performance anxiety and fostering creative expression. Findings indicate that both participants experienced varying degrees of anxiety reduction and increased comfort with piano performance over the semester. Johanna’s narrative highlighted her journey of overcoming internal fears and building self-confidence while Wade’s narrative demonstrated his experience of finding a meaningful connection to the piano and utilizing the piano as a tool to help manage external stressors. Both participants reported the therapeutic relationship and dedicated time to engage creatively with the piano as the most beneficial in reducing anxiety and increasing productivity. Pre and post test questionnaires indicate the most improvement in the areas of proximal somatic anxiety, worry about performance, and negative cognitions related to performance anxiety and well as self-reported decreases in overall levels of general and piano performance anxiety. Implications for future research suggest incorporating creative arts therapies in college counseling centers to address performance anxiety for students across performing arts modalities. Future research should expand to include larger studies and participants from diverse performance disciplines to validate findings and broaden applicability in higher education settings.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2024
- Author
- Sandham, Randy
- Sub-title
- A dual case study of the impact of music therapy and piano-based free play on college students' piano performance anxiety
- Title
- Building Community and Exploring Identity through Culturally Focused Music-Making for Biracial Filipino/a/x Americans in the United States
- Year Issued
- 2024
- Abstract
This qualitative focus group study explores the use of music in building community and exploring themes of identity for biracial Filipino/a/x Americans, while also introducing participants to cultural values. Participants included Aurora, Lynn, and Kim (pseudonyms); ...
Show moreThis qualitative focus group study explores the use of music in building community and exploring themes of identity for biracial Filipino/a/x Americans, while also introducing participants to cultural values. Participants included Aurora, Lynn, and Kim (pseudonyms); all identify as biracial or multiethnic Filipinos. Aurora participated in all 6 music therapy sessions. Lynn participated in the first session. Kim was only able to participate in music therapy sessions 2 and 3, due to having to start fall term for her second year of music therapy studies. The first four sessions focused on a Filipino/a/x cultural value: Kapwa, Utang Ng Loob, Hiya, and Pakikisama. The fifth session involved a recap of the previous sessions and discussion of a topic related to lived experiences that occurred the week after the previous session. Session 6 focused on a recap of the cultural values that were explored and resulted in a songwriting session focusing on Hiya. Findings indicated that participants felt a closer connection to their biracial Filipino/a/x identity by being in a space with other participants who also identified as biracial Filipino/a/x, creating a space to be authentic and vulnerable, and utilizing music as a focused tool to explore identity. An implication of this study is that music therapy is an untapped allied health care resource for the Filipino community. Additionally, there is a need for biracial Asian and Filipino healthcare providers. Currently, to my knowledge there are only two Filipino board-certified music therapists in the state of Oregon both of which are biracial, including the investigator. Future studies should continue to explore the nuanced experiences of biracial Filipino/a/x individuals, with an emphasis on expanding sample sizes, incorporating intergenerational perspectives, the duality of identity, and deepening cultural specificity in therapeutic practices.
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- Steinhebel, Jessica
- Title
- Clinicians’ Perceptions of the Certification Board for Music Therapists Exam
- Year Issued
- 2024
- Abstract
This study utilized survey research to determine contributing factors to the downward trend in passing rates for the board certification examination for music therapists from the test takers’ perspectives. This was accomplished by inquiring about test preparation, te...
Show moreThis study utilized survey research to determine contributing factors to the downward trend in passing rates for the board certification examination for music therapists from the test takers’ perspectives. This was accomplished by inquiring about test preparation, test-taking experiences, test accessibility, and perceptions about the overall structure of the exam. 76.67% of participants indicated that they were White or European, 16.67% were Hispanic or Latino/a, and 3.33% were American Indian or Alaska Native, 96.43% were female, and 61% passed the exam on their first attempt. 75% of survey respondents said that the exam was accessible to their individual test taking needs. Survey participants in both categories, those who passed on their first attempt and those who did not, reported experiencing restrictions that hindered them from (re)taking the CBMT exam. When asked whether or not they agreed with the statement “My exam score(s) reflect my competence as a music therapist,” 57% of participants disagreed to some extent. When those who did not pass on their first attempt were asked how this impacted their self-concept, there was a common theme among respondents. Using words like failure, dreadful, discouraged, and defeated to describe how they felt after not passing, it was clear that many exam candidates put a strong emphasis on this exam and what it indicates about them as a music therapist. Nearly half of the respondents admitted to experiencing test taking anxiety which made taking the CBMT exam more challenging. Participants noted that the most challenging section for exam candidates overall was treatment, implementation, and termination. 67% of respondents agreed to some degree that their undergraduate program’s approach/philosophy was well-rounded enough to fully prepare them for the exam. Yet, 46% believe that the content of these same programs did not fully prepare them for the exam. That said, most survey respondents also disclosed that they received little to no support from academic professors when preparing for the exam.
Show less - Author
- Miller, Sara
- Title
- The Development of a Reflective Wellness Self-Assessment for Music Therapists
- Year Issued
- 2019
- Abstract
The inspiration behind developing a reflective wellness self-assessment tool for music therapists came from the rationale that 1) burnout is an ethical issue that is prevalent in our profession and 2) no other tool which encourages therapist self-reflection on this i...
Show moreThe inspiration behind developing a reflective wellness self-assessment tool for music therapists came from the rationale that 1) burnout is an ethical issue that is prevalent in our profession and 2) no other tool which encourages therapist self-reflection on this issue exists in the field of music therapy. In an effort to create a unique tool that is relevant to the uniqueness of the profession, this self-assessment resource was based on pre-existing research and literature specific to music therapists and their experiences of burnout and burnout prevention. The development of this tool involved four phases: 1) an extensive investigation and organization of music therapy literature regarding personal and professional wellness; 2) the development of the wellness self-assessment tool based on the results found in the literature; 3) an evaluation process of the self-assessment by advanced and student music therapy professionals; and 4) an examination of the evaluation results and making changes to the assessment based on those results. In addition to their questions and suggestions that contributed to changes made to the assessment, the evaluators also identified multiple uses of the wellness self-assessment for music therapists, such as: bringing results into individual, group, or peer supervision; administering it to interns and students; completing it at regular intervals (i.e. 5-year re-certification); using it for future research on music therapy burnout; and incorporating it into the music therapy curriculum. The evaluators also indicated that the strengths of the wellness self-assessment tool were that it is specific to the field of music therapy, it is holistic and comprehensive, and it inspires critical and valuable self-reflection. The Wellness Self-Assessment for Music Therapists has ethical implications and is designed to be a preventative resource that promotes self-awareness, self-reflection, and overall wellness for the music therapist’s personal and professional self.
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- Chambers, Janelle
- Title
- Embodied Speech Through Song
- Abstract
Through queer autoethnography (i.e., queerly telling stories), I have explored the beginning development of a gender affirming voicework method within music therapy, informed by my personal experiences of seeking a more affirming voice for myself as a nonbinary trans...
Show moreThrough queer autoethnography (i.e., queerly telling stories), I have explored the beginning development of a gender affirming voicework method within music therapy, informed by my personal experiences of seeking a more affirming voice for myself as a nonbinary trans person, specifically doing this through my singing voice. This was further informed by literature from the fields of speech-language pathology, vocal pedagogy, and music therapy. This method will potentially provide a uniquely holistic space, working with the physical voice in terms of working on gendered behavioral changes and healthy vocal habits; the psychological voice in terms of supporting the emotional relationship that a person has with their voice, body, and Self; and the body in terms of encouraging relaxation and groundedness as well as working with the ways a person expresses/relates to their voice, body, and Self. In attempts to ignite a conversation around the possibilities of gender-based work within music therapy for trans, nonbinary, and cis individuals, I share my experiences of engaging in gender affirming voicework. Although this voicework is likely relevant to all individuals, it is perhaps more pertinent for trans and nonbinary folk. This is reflected throughout my autoethnography.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2019
- Author
- Gumble, Maevon
- Sub-title
- A Queer Autoethnographic Exploration of Gender Affirming Voicework in Music Therapy
- Title
- Embodying the Black/African-American experience through collaborative improvised music and dance/movement
- Abstract
This thesis is the dissemination of the findings of an arts-based research study exploring the collaborative improvised music and improvised dance/movement on the experience of being embodied as Black. The overall aim was to explore the interpersonal and intrapersona...
Show moreThis thesis is the dissemination of the findings of an arts-based research study exploring the collaborative improvised music and improvised dance/movement on the experience of being embodied as Black. The overall aim was to explore the interpersonal and intrapersonal experiences of one Black/African American musician and one Black/African American dancer engaging in a collaborative creative process focusing on the experience of being embodied as Black. This study grew out of my own experiences when engaging in collaborative improvised music and collaborative dance exploring my racial identity. Participants were chosen through convenience sampling. Data was collected through video recording the collaborative improvised music and dance/movement collaborative experience, written responses to questions about the experience, and through a group discussion. Participants were asked to write down their feelings, thoughts, sensations, imagery, memories, perceptions of cultural aesthetics, interpersonal dynamics, intrapersonal dynamics, and any transpersonal experiences immediately after the experience. Cultural dynamics were explored individually and relationally. Questions posed were centered around connection/disconnection, shifts in power, being in the moment, perceived interpretations of what contributed to the overall collaborative engagement, and perceptions of cultural aesthetics. A poem was created from the themes and subthemes collected from the data. Member checking was utilized for the accuracy of the representation of the participants’ collaborative experience. To authentically represent the essence of the participants’ narratives through music and dance, a multimedia arts reflection of their expressions of being Black in the United States was cultivated. Themes of 1) resilience, 2) resistance, 3) Black aesthetics, 4) spirituality 5) connection, 6) trauma, 7) subjugation/oppression, and 8) Black power emerged in the data and are discussed in the context of individual and collaborative Black experiences. Implications for the practice of music therapy will be addressed.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2021
- Author
- Martin, Tatyana
- Sub-title
- implications for the practice of music therapy
- Title
- Experiences of Trust in Music Therapy
- Abstract
This qualitative thematic analysis explored children’s varying degrees of trust during music therapy after having witnessed domestic violence. As rates of domestic violence increase across the United States, children’s sense of trust is affected and there is a need f...
Show moreThis qualitative thematic analysis explored children’s varying degrees of trust during music therapy after having witnessed domestic violence. As rates of domestic violence increase across the United States, children’s sense of trust is affected and there is a need for further music therapy research from the perspectives of these children. In this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with four child survivors of domestic violence after receiving four months of music therapy to explore how they understand and experience trust, as well as how trusting relationships are established and maintained with a therapist. Additional questions considered personal qualities that lead to trust or distrust, aspects of music therapy experiences that lead to additional trust in the therapist at different times, how experiences of trust change over time, what contributes to this change, and how the sociocultural locations of the therapist and child influence trust. The findings demonstrated that trust is a complex process that evolves over time and depends on certain qualities in a therapist, familiarity, and various aspects of music therapy. Three main themes with 13 sub-themes were found: qualities for trust and distrust (qualities that increase trust, qualities that decrease trust), process of developing trust and overall evolution (initial distrust/trust, insecurities and fears from participants’ past, familiarity leads to trust, connection to family/friends, feelings and experiences with trust, builds over time), and qualities of music therapy experiences (autonomy and choice, familiarity and predictability, types of instruments, types of experiences, music contains a wide range of expression). Findings provide recommendations for how practicing music therapists can create a trusting therapeutic relationship with child, adolescent, and adult survivors of domestic violence.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2023
- Author
- Doron, Ashely
- Sub-title
- Perspectives of Child Survivors of Domestic Violence
- Title
- The Experiences of Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment Engaging in Parent-Child Music Therapy Groups
- Year Issued
- 2023
- Abstract
This thematic analysis explores the experiences of women in substance use disorder treatment who have participated in parent-child music therapy groups (“Mommy & Me Music Therapy”) and how these groups may contribute to parent-child bonding, parental self-efficacy, a...
Show moreThis thematic analysis explores the experiences of women in substance use disorder treatment who have participated in parent-child music therapy groups (“Mommy & Me Music Therapy”) and how these groups may contribute to parent-child bonding, parental self-efficacy, and social support among parents. Five women with substance use disorders who resided at the participating facility and engaged in at least six weeks of Mommy & Me Music Therapy groups took part in semi-structured interviews. Interview content was transcribed, analyzed, and coded. Themes that arose include improved parenting skills, parent-child relationship, feelings about self, community support, and outside uses of music. Throughout these themes, participants acknowledged how these groups impacted them in terms of bonding with their child, connecting with other women in the group, and striving to be the best possible parent for their child. Implications from the research include the importance of allowing a space for verbal processing within music therapy and including systems and family-based therapy training in music therapy education.
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- Cole, Halley
- Title
- Exploring Music Therapists' Engagement in Personal Musicking
- Year Issued
- 2024
- Abstract
This study explores music therapists’ experiences of personal musicking. The research question is: What role does personal musicking play in the music therapist’s life? Data was collected using individual, semi-structured interviews with five music therapists in the ...
Show moreThis study explores music therapists’ experiences of personal musicking. The research question is: What role does personal musicking play in the music therapist’s life? Data was collected using individual, semi-structured interviews with five music therapists in the United States. Interviews were transcribed and coded for themes using reflexive thematic analysis. Seven themes emerged from the participant transcripts, which were (1) facets of positive musical relationship; (2) personal and professional connections; (3) ways of musicking; (4) music aspirations; (5) hindrances to musical relationship; (6) emotions; and (7) barriers to musicking. Within each theme, three to six subthemes were also identified, totaling 30 subthemes. Participants described a variety of music experiences which contribute to a positive musical relationship though many internal and external factors inhibited their actual ability to engage in musicking as much as they would like or desire. Participants compared their experiences of musicking in clinical spaces with that of their personal musicking, and the boundaries drawn between clinical and personal music were unique to each participant. Implications for the music therapy profession include: considerations of thinking styles and values around different types of musicking; a call for curricula adaptation in music therapy training to encourage musical identity formation via many ways of musicking; and encouragement for practicing clinicians to continue exploring their sense of musicianship to maintain ethical practice and recognize the ways that musicking influences their own health and wellness.
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- McLean, Sarah
- Title
- Exploring music therapists’ attitudes towards disability and sexuality
- Year Issued
- 2024
- Abstract
Music therapy has historically not addressed sex as a topic within clinical practice despite its clinical relevance to the human experience. As a field that works with an abundance of disabled clients who are often harmed by social and systemic infantilization which ...
Show moreMusic therapy has historically not addressed sex as a topic within clinical practice despite its clinical relevance to the human experience. As a field that works with an abundance of disabled clients who are often harmed by social and systemic infantilization which prevents them from access to sexual knowledge, it could be argued that music therapists should be trained to provide basic levels of support to this community in particular given the high level of need. Nevertheless, there are many questions and conflicting ideas around music therapy scope of practice as it pertains to these topics, barriers to education and clinical implementation and viable solutions to this gap in knowledge as a profession. While the music therapy literature has seen an increase in disability justice research in recent years, it offers little to nothing on the topic of engaging in clinically relevant discussion of sex, and most certainly not within the context of disability. This study aimed to examine music therapists’ educational and clinical experiences on engaging in sexual topics with disabled clients, as well as measuring personal feelings of comfort in engaging in these conversations. It was conducted via an anonymous survey intended to collect quantitative and qualitative data from a wide array of music therapists. Data was collected and analyzed according to an objectivist framework and qualitative data in particular was analyzed for common themes. Results indicate a lack of training and education in the facilitation of such topics, and the majority of participants reported complex feelings on the various intersecting layers of these conversations. While many reported feeling discomfort in relation to this topic, so too did many indicate a desire to reflect more critically and intentionally on the subject. It is hoped that this study’s data will serve as an impetus for our field to shift cultural and education practices to better prepare therapists for these conversations on these topics.
Show less - Author
- Miller, Francesca
- Title
- Exploring Music Therapist’s Experiences of Sharing Pronouns within Group Therapy
- Year Issued
- 2024
- Abstract
If music therapists are following the code of ethics, they should be striving to provide inclusive practices. This includes how gender, and its concepts are communicated by therapists. In context of clinical group work, promoting gender inclusivity can be cultivated ...
Show moreIf music therapists are following the code of ethics, they should be striving to provide inclusive practices. This includes how gender, and its concepts are communicated by therapists. In context of clinical group work, promoting gender inclusivity can be cultivated through disclosure and musical choices. Additionally, there are contextual factors that influence clinical decisions made by the therapist. These factors can impact how gender identity is shared and explored by the therapist and clients in the group setting. There is growing research in the music therapy and counseling field regarding the impact of disclosing gender pronouns as well as how the therapeutic relationship is perceived to be impacted by the act of sharing pronouns with clients. However, minimal research has been curious towards how these decisions are made by the clinicians. This thesis aimed to explore the experiences of music therapists sharing or not sharing their pronouns within group settings, and how pronouns are considered when selecting songs for clinical experiences. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five participants, who were recruited from social media postings. Through thematic analysis, four themes emerged from the data: 1) potential for harm, 2) culturally affirming practices, 3) context, and 4) musical considerations. The researcher hopes this research will be a useful addition to the growing literature exploring gender-inclusive music therapy practices.
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- Ambrose, Elizabeth
- Title
- Group music therapy for LGBTQIA+ parents experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety
- Abstract
A mixed methods research study involving an eight-week music therapy group was facilitated virtually for LGBTQIA+ parents experiencing postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was administered upon first session and last session...
Show moreA mixed methods research study involving an eight-week music therapy group was facilitated virtually for LGBTQIA+ parents experiencing postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was administered upon first session and last session to capture potential impact of music therapy group on mental health over time. The Brief Mood Introspection Scale was administered at the beginning and end of each session to capture short term impact of group music therapy. A semi-structured focus group was facilitated to capture experiences of and feedback from participants, and interviews were scheduled with participants who did not attend the focus group. Interviews and the focus group were transcribed and analyzed and six themes were identified: community and solidarity built around shared experiences, music within and beyond the group, expansiveness and generativity in parenthood, response to experience, attendance and timing challenges, and accessibility. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale did not show statistically significant changes in mood over the course of the eight-week group but was limited by sample size and an outlier score. The Brief Mood Introspection Scale showed more significant trends in increased pleasant mood, decreased stress, and increased positivity after the session. When LGBTQIA+ parents were able to attend the session, they reported meaningful impacts despite attendance challenges. Findings may be useful in developing music therapy practice and research.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2023
- Author
- Nelson, Maryrose Nieman
- Sub-title
- a mixed methods study
- Title
- Imagining a post–intentional phenomenology of cisnormativity
- Abstract
My original plan for this thesis project was to conduct a phenomenological study that focuses on how cisnormativity influences and emerges through a clinician’s development of micro-skills, especially those who are transgender, Two Spirit, and Intersex or otherwise n...
Show moreMy original plan for this thesis project was to conduct a phenomenological study that focuses on how cisnormativity influences and emerges through a clinician’s development of micro-skills, especially those who are transgender, Two Spirit, and Intersex or otherwise non-conforming to the colonial gender paradigm (TTSI+) (Lugones, 2007). However, I struggled to find any phenomenological or clinical consideration of cisnormativity as a phenomenon, and it is rarely articulated as a system immersed in white supremacist bio-essentialism. So, this thesis is a philosophical inquiry that is grounded in Vagle’s post-intentional phenomenological (PIP) paradigm (2018). This inquiry details: 1) how the PIP paradigm may nurture more nuanced investigation of bio-essentialist systems of oppression, 2) how critical phenomenological and post-structural concepts in may be utilized to attend to cisnormativity as a phenomenon that is a part of the imperialist white supremacist capitalist cisheteropatriarchy (hooks, 1997; Yancy & hooks, 2015), 3) the productions and provocations of cisnormativity that emerged through my research process, 4) how these findings connect to current music therapy and related care work literature, and 5) what research project ideas have emerged for future study. Overall, I assert cisnormativity affects everyone, not just TTSI+ people. It is urgently important to slow down and open up to ways cisheteropatriarchy emerges through our habits, through text, and through theoretical frameworks, and to ways we may retroactively and proactively shift these dynamics. I hope my work enables all to nurture their reflexivity and resistance to bio-essentialist oppression through attending to relationships and holding consideration for the more-than-visual.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2023
- Author
- Inmon, Braedyn D'mitri
- Sub-title
- A philosophical inquiry
- Title
- The Impact of a Short-Term Music Therapy Program on Emotional Regulation Development in Preschool Age Children Following the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Year Issued
- 2024
- Abstract
Early child development has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which effects later development through school and adulthood (Davies et al., 2021; Jiao et al. 2020; Paulauskaite et al., 2021; Spiteri, 2021; Takahashi and Honda, 2021; Timmons et al., 2021). Concer...
Show moreEarly child development has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which effects later development through school and adulthood (Davies et al., 2021; Jiao et al. 2020; Paulauskaite et al., 2021; Spiteri, 2021; Takahashi and Honda, 2021; Timmons et al., 2021). Concerns related to early childhood development of academic and social-emotional skills, including emotion regulation, have arisen due to isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, which have been linked to increased school readiness, forming positive relationships, and preventing maladaptive behaviors in older childhood and adulthood. Music therapy has been shown to support emotion regulation skills in older childhood and adolescence (Foran, 2009; Ross, 2016; Williams, 2018; Zhenyu and Zhenhua, 2022). There is limited research on the use of music therapy in early childhood for emotion regulation. Since the developmental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative to understand ways music therapy can support emotion regulation development in early childhood. This study used a short-term music therapy program focused on shifting arousal levels in preschool-age children to understand the effect on emotion regulation skill development in early childhood with two groups experiencing music therapy over the course of eight weeks compared to eight weeks of typical learning. Participants were assessed at baseline, following music therapy, and following typical learning for emotion regulation skills. 83% of participants experienced a reduction in behavioral concerns with music therapy. Half of participants increased self-regulation with music therapy. On average all participants with music therapy intervention increased social-emotional and attention and self-control skills. This research shows potential for improving emotion-regulation skill in early childhood, but future research is needed with a larger sample size. Other areas of social-emotional skills could benefit from future research in preschool-age children, such as attachment.
Show less - Author
- Oldland, Kelsey
- Title
- In a Big Voice
- Abstract
In this autoethnography, I utilized a handful of different techniques to recall, examine, and share my experiences while entering, being in, and leaving the field of music therapy. Those included: chronological listing, narrative journaling, songwriting, lyric analys...
Show moreIn this autoethnography, I utilized a handful of different techniques to recall, examine, and share my experiences while entering, being in, and leaving the field of music therapy. Those included: chronological listing, narrative journaling, songwriting, lyric analysis, and external collaborators. Examining the autoethnography revealed specific themes about my experience with music therapy, including the role of my identity and privilege, systemic pressures, resistance to systemic pressures, non-profit specific ethics, and community support. Sharing these specific experiences and themes aims to add to a growing literature of music therapy burnout, including why music therapists leave the field, what specific experiences feel like, and where music therapists go after leaving the field.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2024
- Author
- Cumine, Colby
- Sub-title
- An autoethnography on entering, being in, and leaving the field of music therapy
- Title
- Language discourse in music therapy
- Abstract
The following thesis is a culmination of an interpretative phenomenological analysis research study seeking to understand music therapists’ experiences of delivering music therapy services with a language interpreter. The purpose of this study has four main tenets: 1...
Show moreThe following thesis is a culmination of an interpretative phenomenological analysis research study seeking to understand music therapists’ experiences of delivering music therapy services with a language interpreter. The purpose of this study has four main tenets: 1) To understand the therapists’ experiences of delivering music therapy services with interpreters, 2) To fill the gap in the music therapy literature on working with interpreters, 3) To serve as a resource for music therapists delivering music therapy services with interpreters, and 4) To combat the systemic issues of access and equity within the music therapy field. Data was collected through one-on-one semi-structured interviews with 5 music therapists. Data was then transcribed, coded, and thematized, resulting in 40 themes and seven domains: 1) Ways of working with interpreters, 2) Benefits of working with interpreters, 3) Drawbacks of working with interpreters, 4) Music therapists’ feelings when working with interpreters, 5) Potential reasons for not working with interpreters, 6) Dangers of not working with interpreters, and 7) Considerations for music therapists working with interpreters. The findings indicate areas of growth and the need for increased education for music therapists when working with interpreters. Music therapists are also challenged to confront their own privileged stances on the issues of language and linguistic privilege within the U.S., as related to working with patients with limited English proficiency and from historically marginalized communities within music therapy.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2023
- Author
- Obermeier, Victoria
- Sub-title
- Therapists' experiences of delivering music therapy services with interpreters
- Title
- Loneliness, Covid-19, and music
- Abstract
This thesis explores the experiences of older adults during the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this research is about a specific time in history, the information that has been gathered from it is has been relevant for decades. In this study, fifteen ind...
Show moreThis thesis explores the experiences of older adults during the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this research is about a specific time in history, the information that has been gathered from it is has been relevant for decades. In this study, fifteen individuals residing at a nursing home where I worked, as a music therapist working in the activities department, share their experiences of loneliness during lockdown that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was conducted by gathering data both qualitatively and quantitatively. Each participant completed a loneliness scale questionnaire and took part in a semi-structured interview. Questionnaire data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The interview content was coded using descriptive coding and grouped into themes and analyzed. Themes emerged to coincide with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s 5 Stages of Grief. These themes were Not Feeling Any Different/Nothing Has Changed, Feelings of Frustration/Feeling Restricted, Wishing Things Were Different, Feelings of Loss, and Feelings of Acceptance, Hope, and Faith. Additionally, a theme centered around the role of music in participants’ lives. Discussion of the of the implications of the results of this study, as well as limitations and recommendations for future research were explored.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2021
- Author
- Rieger, Rhiannon
- Sub-title
- Experiences of older adults in a nursing home
- Title
- Music, identity, and authenticity
- Abstract
This thesis is the dissemination of the findings of a research study exploring piano-based music improvisation and the lived experience of Black queer men. The overall aim was to explore how five Black queer men experience the intersections of their racial identity a...
Show moreThis thesis is the dissemination of the findings of a research study exploring piano-based music improvisation and the lived experience of Black queer men. The overall aim was to explore how five Black queer men experience the intersections of their racial identity and sexuality in various social environments through piano-based music improvisation. This study grew out of my own experiences as a Black queer man and my ability or lack thereof to authentically express my racial identity and sexuality in specific social environments. Participants were chosen through convenience sampling and were prompted to engage in a series of piano improvisations, where they were asked to musically communicate how they experience their racial identity and sexuality within their biological family, friend group, and society. Data was collected through video recordings of the improvisations, written reflections to questions about the experience, and through transcriptions of the member checking discussions. Following each improvisation, participants were asked to reflect upon two questions regarding their process and experience during the improvisation. The recorded improvisations were then analyzed using Dr. Kenneth Bruscia’s Improvisation Assessment Profiles (IAPs) and interpretations about the participants’ experiences were made. Member checking was utilized to ensure an accurate representation of the participants’ experiences. Themes of 1) prejudice, 2) sense of identity, 3) impacts of relationships, and 4) responses to trauma that emerged in the verbal data were discussed in the context of the individual and collective experiences of the participants with implications for the practice of music therapy.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2021
- Author
- Perkins, Fred
- Sub-title
- reflecting the narratives of black queer men through piano-based music improvisation
- Title
- Music Therapists and Feelings of Clinical Inadequacy
- Abstract
Abstract In this narrative analysis, semi-structured interviews occurred with six music therapists to examine their experiences of feelings of clinical inadequacy in music therapy. Five themes with twenty-one subthemes emerged in the data: professional development (i...
Show moreAbstract In this narrative analysis, semi-structured interviews occurred with six music therapists to examine their experiences of feelings of clinical inadequacy in music therapy. Five themes with twenty-one subthemes emerged in the data: professional development (insufficient knowledge, lack of training, lack of experience in field/setting, lack of professional support), workspace issues (lack of knowledge of music therapy by others, feeling like an outsider, unrealistic expectations, unfair comparisons, pressure from unrealistic parental expectations), intrapersonal issues (historical wounds, personal vulnerabilities, personal traits), felt experiences (emotional, psychological, visceral, social, physiological, physical), and coping strategies (honest internal observation, professional vulnerability/humility, and compassion). The findings of this study hold implications for education, supervision, and further music therapy research.
Show less - Year Issued
- 2022
- Author
- Dalessandro, Susan
- Sub-title
- A Narrative Analysis