Search Results1 to 20 of 70
Accuracy of the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire
Analyzing and comparing similarities and perceptions of current status and of years of experience regarding positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) tier 1 implementation across multiple K-6 schools
Augmented and virtual realities in special education contexts
A correlational study
Creating a trauma informed school
Critical analysis of classroom management issues within early childhood classrooms
Educating the Severely Disabled Medically Complex Child
Effective Professional Development Implementation and the Outcome on Student Progress
Effectiveness of a summer intervention program on improving kindergarten readiness in at-risk students
Effectiveness of inclusion in K-12 schools on students' academic performance
The effects of an interactive online learning platform on second-grade students' mathematics performance
Effects of an iPad as a prompting device on increasing independence skills in elementary students with autism spectrum disorder
The effects of cooking independence on high school life skill students
Effects of implementing a transition curriculum using Google Classroom on the self-determination, post-secondary readiness, and career readiness skills of high school students with high incidence disabilities
The effects of music therapy on social skills in individuals with autism
The effects of physical exercise on stereotypic behaviors in autism
The effects of staff training in blocking techniques and trauma informed care on the number of student restraints in a special education setting at a suburban public-school district
The efficacy of equine-assisted activities on social outcomes of individuals with autism spectrum disorder
An examination of elementary school librarians' self-efficacy beliefs in serving students with disabilities