Special education teacher job satisfaction
what can we learn from positive organizational scholarship and satisfied special educators
Holden, Kerra
Special Education Teacher (SET) job satisfaction and workplace commitment have long remained an elusive goal for many school communities and administrators. Workplace stress and burnout have burdened the role since its inception in 1975, leading to significantly more turnover than in other teaching roles and, more generally, other fields. This turnover, and various efforts to fill SET roles with unqualified educators, negatively affect the learning and school success of over one million students with disabilities each year. This study sought to learn from the small percentage of individuals who choose to stay in the Special Education Teacher role for more than 10 years and report high job satisfaction as well as a sense of thriving at work. Utilizing a qualitative research approach, as well as positive deviance lens, this study sought to understand what school leaders may learn from highly satisfied SETs and which leadership practices and strategies may encourage SET job satisfaction. Furthermore, potential intersections between SET job satisfaction and positive organizational scholarship were examined, to best understand how the field of Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) may, if at all, inform the role of special education administrator. The findings of this study extend beyond the intersection of POS and SET job satisfaction and suggest the addition Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives into current conceptualizations of SET job satisfaction and retention.
Rineer-Hershey, Ashlea
Mild, ToniIsherwood, Robert
Slippery Rock University of PennsylvaniaCollege of EducationSpecial Education
Degree of Doctor of Education (Ed. D.)
Doctorate Degree
Special Education
Special education educators -- Job satisfactionOrganizational learningOrganizational effectiveness
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